Changing social needs, upgrading of design standards, increased safety requirements, and deterioration result in existing reinforced concrete structures such as buildings to be strengthened. Strengthening of defective members is usually accomplished by construction of external reinforced concrete. An alternate technique involves the reinforcement by Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in the form of thin laminates or fabrics.
With increasing focus and emphasis on the sustainability of buildings, Reliance Industries Limited introduces an innovative reinforcement solution RELINFORCE cladded with advanced technology.
RELINFORCE product lines can be used to rehabilitate and strengthen the damaged or deficient concrete structures to take the designed lateral loads with the use of carbon wrap technology.
Carbon wrap technology is a cost-effective and innovative solution for restoring the world’s infrastructure. It doesn’t just repair degraded structures, it makes them stronger than new. It makes buildings stronger. It can also protect against harmful effects of seismic forces.
Unlike traditional retrofit or reconstruction techniques that require demolition and reconstruction of part or whole failing structures, Carbon wrap goes right over the existing substrate. This minimizes disruption during repair and saves significantly on installation time and costs. Applied in the form of a flexible fabric during installation, it is then saturated with a resin matrix, allowing it to harden to a strong, unyielding material with a strength-to- weight ratio that exceeds fifty times that of steel.