
Reinforcement of Pipe Structureusing Resin Impregnated Carbon Fabric: RELINFORCETM System

Round steel pipeline is mainly aimed for economical transmission of liquid and gas. Corrosion and mechanical damage cause defects such as grooves, thinning, holes, pitting etc. affecting the reliability and durability of pipeline. To address this problem, Reliance Industries Limited introduces an innovative reinforcement solution RELINFORCE cladded with advanced technology

RELINFORCETM system comprises of high-strength carbon fabric fully saturated with an appropriate resin system to provide required additional strength to existing pipe.


Know The TechnologyWhat is Carbon Wrap Technology?

Carbon wrap technology is a cost-effective and innovative solution for restoring the world’s infrastructure. It doesn’t just repair degraded structures, it makes them stronger than new. It makes pipelines last longer. It can also mitigate the harmful effects of seismic forces.

Unlike traditional retrofit or reconstruction techniques that require demolition and reconstruction of part or whole failing structures, Carbon wrap goes right over the existing substrate. This minimizes disruption during repair and saves significantly on installation time and costs. Applied in the form of a flexible fabric during installation, it is then saturated with a resin matrix, allowing it to harden to a strong, unyielding material with a strength-to-weight ratio that exceeds fifty times that of steel.