Refinery JettyRefinery Jetty

Site Background

Jetty piles are under alternate wetting and drying immersion in sea water which affects the load bearing capacity of the bridge and the strength of the piles deteriorates day by day.

Solution Provided

To address this problem and keep the jetty and port working, we retrofitted the jetty piles using Carbon Fiber Strengthening Solution.

Timeline for Completion of Work

3-5 Months (Including Surface Preparation to Final Wrapping process)

Materials Used

  • RELINFORCETM Fab S PR (Primer)
  • RELINFORCETM Bondcoat Putty
  • RELINFORCETM Fab S UW (Under-Water)

Application Process

  • We monitored the high tide and low tide timing while working and calculated the working hours for lower section of the pile. The retrofitting of lower section of the piles was done during the low tide hours and the remaining time was utilized to do work on the dry section.
  • Surface preparation and micro-concreting work was done for done for each and every pile before starting the carbon fiber wrapping process.
  • These surface prepared piles were then primed using the moisture insensitive RELINFORCETM Fab S PR primer
  • Once the primer becomes tacky, putty RELINFORCETM Bondcoat Putty was applied to the required surface to make the surface smooth. Drying time for putty layer was 6-7 hours.
  • The lower underwater pile section was carbon wrapped using the RELINFORCETM Fab S UW (Under-Water) saturant and let it cure for 24 hours.
  • The dry section of the piles was then carbon wrapped using the RELINFORCETM Fab S, similar curing cycle of 24 hours was used

Benefits of Using RELINFORCETM Carbon Fabric in Refinery Jetty Project

  • RELINFORCETM provided faster repair than conventional methods, the repair work was completed within 3 months timeline.
  • Refinery Jetty was fully operational during the repair process. Full shutdown or road blockage is not required.
  • The systems used for wrapping process have excellent corrosion resistance in harsh environments which will impart more life to the Jetty piles.

Jetty Piles Before Application

Primer & Putty Application

Application of Carbon Fiber

Jetty Piles After Application